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The Hodges Family named Family of the Month for May 2023

Sheila, Lawsikia, Alvin, Shannon and Recorder, Lou Manz

The head of this family is a self-proclaimed introvert. But, if you get her talking about her faith, family, or passions, she can be anything BUT an introvert. Lawsikia

Hodges is the Deputy General Counsel of the Government Operations Department for the City of Jacksonville. Her clients include the Mayor, City Council, and a basketful of boards, commissions, and authorities, including JEA.

Lawsikia received her undergraduate degree from the University of North Florida

where she graduated with honors. She continued that success by graduating with honors from the University Of Florida Levin College Of Law. Among her many legal affiliations are the Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association and the Catholic Lawyers Guild. She currently serves on the nonprofit boards of the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, WJCT Inc., a community-owned and operated public media orgaization serving Northeast Florida, and the Jacksonville Chapter of Young Catholic Professionals.

She is an active member of St. Catherine of Siena, where she serves as a Lector,

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and will shortly complete her seventh year as an Adorer. She is a supporter of the Pro-Life movement, a parish neighborhood smallgroups facilitator, and has applied to be in the Ministry Formation Program; a three-year comprehensive study of Scripture, Catholic Traditions, Catholic Beliefs, Morality, Liturgy and Sacraments, with the last year combining Theological Reflection and a Supervised Practicum. But her real passion is serving as the chair of the Justice and Peace Ministry in the Parish; an organization that serves to educate parishioners on Catholic Social Teachings. The group tries to move from the study of Scripture and Church teachings, into action. When she has time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading spiritual books, and attending the Jacksonville Symphony.

If all these activities are not enough, Lawsikia has been a single mother of three for

about fifteen years. But, she does not see this as problematic. She is inspired in her daily faith-filled life with this quote from 1 Corinthians 7:34, “And the unmarried woman, and the virgin, thinks about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy in body and spirit. Whereas she who is married thinks about the things of the world…

Lawsikia has passed her faith in action on to her children. Recognizing that all of

her children are blessed with personality, intelligence, and communication, she has

imparted the wisdom of this line from scripture: “To whom much is given, much will be

required.” (Luke 12:48). Like their mother, they are quick understudies.

Lawsikia’s oldest daughter, Sheila, is blazing a trail for her siblings to follow. When

she graduated from St. Johns Country Day School, she had her choice of schools. She

chose the University of Pennsylvania where she currently sports a 3.9 GPA. While many young adults become disconnected from the roots of their faith when they are away from home, Sheila has become more connected. Like her mother, she is a lector, attends daily Mass and is immersed in the Penn Catholic Newman Community where she enriches her faith with other students and shares that faith through evangelization on the streets of Philadelphia.

Lawsikia’s daughter Shannon is graduating from St. Johns Country Day School

where she has won multiple awards for leadership. She has earned 100% Florida Bright

Futures scholarship, but has chosen to attend the University of Pennsylvania in the fall.

Shannon is a lector, altar server and participates as a witness in the parish’s Urban Plunge.

Alvin, the youngest of the family will be graduating from Annunciation Catholic

School. Alvin made his mother proud by completing the trifecta and becoming the third Hodges’ child to become their Student Council President. The “unsung hero” of the family, Alvin is mom’s sidekick; helping her with her many projects. He is an altar server at St. Catherine and a lector and altar server at Annunciation Catholic School. He will begin St. Johns Country Day School in the fall.

For their dedication and service to their faith, their parish and their community, the Knights of Columbus recognizes the Hodges family as our Family of the Month for May.

Congratulations Lawsikia, Sheila, Shannon, and Alvin!

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