​Who are we?
We are your fellow parishioners. We are Catholic gentlemen of St Catherine of Siena parish and our ranks include, ushers, clergy, greeters, volunteers in various ministries, and any gentleman parishioner that wants to propagate the faith, help the parish, and improve the community. We are a parish council. As such, we are the 'Right Hand of our Pastor". When the parish needs manpower you will see us there.
. The knights are formed around the four core "pillars" of Faith, Family, Community, and Life. Our council interprets and support these pillars as follows.
Our goal is to help you and your family strengthen your Catholic faith. Programs include: The Rosary Program, Alter Server Recognition, Parish Picnic, and Support of St. Catherine of Siena Youth Groups.
Our vision of family is not only financial and material wealth, but also spiritual wealth. Our programs include: Keep Christ in Christmas, Family Week, Food for Families support, and the Parish Urban Plunge.
Our order's first principle is charity; at home, and in the community. Programs to support that principle include: Coats for kids, The Global Wheelchair mission, Habitat for Humanity, and our Free Throw Competition.
Catholics must be committed to the defense of life. Our programs include: March for Life, Special Olympics, 40 Days for Life, Tootsie Roll Drive, Honor Flight Guardian Sponsorship, and Support of Waste Not Want Not.
And finally, the Knights has Insurance and Investment programs for Members. The Knights was founded in 1882 by Father McGivney the Pastor of St Mary's Church in New Haven Conn. The new organization provided financial benefits , funded by dues, to widows of members. This has grown into a top rated insurance offerings for member. More information on Knight's insurance programs can be found here click.