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Business Meeting Minutes August 8, 2024

Grand Knight David Coughlin called Meeting to Order at 7:02pm

July 2024 Minutes were approved with the following corrections:

  1. Under Life Committee Report there was a reference to "Connecticut." "Supreme" is a more accurate reference.

  2. Under Grand Knight Report, there was a reference to August 16 as a Holy Day of Obligation. The Holy Day of Obligation was actually August 15.

Grand Knight Report-Grand Knight Dave Coughlin Reports:

  1. School Supplies Drive concludes on August 18th.

  2. Kathy Messenger Memorial Mass on August 9.

  3. There will be a Chalice transfer on August 25. Time to be determined.

  4. Audit committee in progress.

  5. Newsletter Committee forming.

  6. Will take nominations any time for Family and Knight of Month, however, nominations will not be required each month.

  7. Next Breakfast on August 18.

  8. Color Corps to participate in Funeral for Phil Voss.

  9. Social on August 22.

BINGO Committee-Dave Counts reports the first August BINGO brought in:

  1. Food $639 after expenses

  2. 50/50 brought in $302

  3. $2377 Bingo Sales

Old Business:


4th Degree-District Deputy Tom Scherch reports:

  1. Appreciates the participation in the Silver Rose

  2. Council must become compliant with Safe Community.

  3. Lou Manz reports there will be a Fourth Degree on August 24 at San Juan del Rio.

Treasurer's Report-Treasurer Michael Gambone absent, However, Grand Knight Reports balances ass of July 31 2024:

  1. Council Account 1803-$4,136.13

  2. Money Market 4963-$3,009.75

  3. Charity Account 0010-$11,015.78

  4. Bing Account 3255-$2,537.62

  5. Several uncleared checks..

Financial Secretary Report-Financial Secretary David Counts Reports:

  1. Council has 212 members. Need 12 new members.

  2. 1 transfer out.

Trustees-Grand Knight requests of the Trustees:

  1. Working on the Audit

Community Director-Dan Costello reports:

  1. Next Breakfast August 18.

  2. Challenge Dance will be September 27

  3. Early October will be Soccer Challenge

  4. Would like to distribute school supplies after August 18

  5. Kingsley Avenue Cleanup--in discussion with FDOT, received the participation form.


Motion approved to table Budget vote until September Business Meeting

Grand Knight states Budget to be voted on in September Business Meeting

Family Director Report:

Family Director Lou Manz reports the next Prayer Night will be September 4.

Deputy Grand Knight Jay Heather asks for Knights to step up in a new Recruitment Committee.

Grand Knights Leads Closing Prayer

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Joel D Kendrick, Recorder


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