Knights of Columbus Council 73999
Business (General) Meeting
July 13, 2023
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Joel Kendrick
The Knights of Columbus Council 7399 Monthly Meeting on Thursday July 13, 2023 was held at St. Catherine’s Church in the Knight’s Room of the Family Life Center, Orange Park, FL.
The meeting was called to order by Grand Knight Louis Manz at 7:05 PM. The Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were led by the Grand Knight.
Grand Knight also reviewed the Gavel Protocol.
Grand Knight also stated that a Recorder was needed. Joel D Kendrick has stepped forward willing to assist in that role. The Grand Knight also asked if there was anybody else interested in that position. No other person stepped forward. Financial Secretary David Counts nominated Joel D Kendrick for the role of Recorder. Several 2nd the nomination. The nomination passed unanimously.
The Grand Knight also requested all speakers to state their name for the record for proper recording purposes.
Approval of June 2023 Minutes.
Grand Knight stated the June Minutes were distributed via email to all Knights with a valid email address. Financial Secretary made a motion to approve the June 2023 Minutes. Dwight Wetherbee 2nd the motion. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
Chaplain’s Report:
None. Father Mitera is vacationing.
Grand Knight’s Report:
1) Grand Knight has prepared a Resolution of Gratitude to Past Grand Knight Jay Heather for his stepping in at a time when Grand Knight Vincent Reilly had to resign due to job relocation. Also for Jay heather’s Dedication to Service throughout the years. Grand Knight requested all present to sign the Resolution.
2) Grand Knight thanked all Knights who assisted with the Urban Plunge Sendoff.
3) Grand Knight has instituted a new procedure for Prayer/Sick/Distressed list. Forms are available at the entrance to add intentions to the list.
4) Officer and Director meetings will always be held Mondays prior to the Thursday Council Meetings.
5) Looks forward to developing working relationship with Father Andy, and elicit ideas from him how the Knights of Columbus can benefit the Parish.
6) Grand Knight will maintain an Event Calendar; and publish on a regular basis. Also has instituted an Event Planning Form.
7) Grand Knight will be meeting with Financial Board Members about preparing and presenting a budget for this fiscal year by next Council Meeting. Also develop procedures to distribute monies raised efficiently.
8) Grand Knight would like to continue the quest to fund an Ultrasound Machine.
9) Will be upgrading website. Also invites pictures for a more interesting website.
10) Recruiting and Retention a priority and asked District Deputy Tom Scherch for assistance and guidance. Also requests the Chancellor Joe Caso to help encourage new members about attending functions and meetings.
11) Reminded all Knights who deal with Youth to be sure their Safe Environment Credentials are current. Will be verifying the current List.
12) Would like to get a “live” Degree team together to conduct local, in-person degrees.
13) Would like to see Family Prayer Services in the Church. Will help meet Family Requirements.
14) Would like to encourage Knights to come 30 minutes early to each monthly meeting to pray the Rosary. Would also like to coordinate with Father Andy for pre-Mass Rosaries.
15) Would like to encourage Father Andy to permit a Necrology Mass to honor deceased Knights.
16) Would like to continue with Saturday Food Runs, and asked for more Knights to consider assisting.
17) Will begin a Facebook presence for the Council
18) Would Like to encourage more to achieve the 4th degree.
19) Would also like to encourage participation in Adoration.
Treasurer’s Report:
None. Mike Gambone absent.
Financial Secretary:
1) Checking Account currently has balance of $4523.27
2) Money Market Account has balance of $3092.31
3) Charity Account has a balance of $10,946.45; but has approximately $3000 in checks waiting to clear.
4) BINGO Account has a balance of $9480.72. This will enable the Knights to provide the Parish with the monthly $4500.
5) The Council has 206 members, of which, 30 are honorary life, 5 exempt. 171 billable members. The goal is to add 12 members this year.
6) Received thank you card from Faith and Charity Retreat for Council support.
7) Current dues $30. Email forthcoming.
8) Grand Knight has 3 receipts on behalf of past Grand Knight regarding Urban Plunge.
9) Virtual Exemplification Thursday July 20. Two New members-Eric Whitmer and Ron Comacho.
Other Reports:
1) Grand Knight reports the need for several event directors.
Bingo Director:
1) Gary Koch reports BINGO is doing extremely well. BINGO started with 85 participants per session, now averages 165. Food, changes in menu are very popular. Grand Knight asked Gary Koch if back up plans are in place for BINGO team. Brother Koch confirmed that there are.
Faith Director:
1) Grand Knight has asked Deacon Larry Hart to be our Faith Program Director.
Family Director:
1) Grand Knight has asked Ryan Ramirez to serve as Family Director.
Community Director:
1) Grand Knight in search of a Community Director
Life Director:
1) Grand Knight has asked Dave Coughlin as Life Director. Waiting for acceptance.
Field Agent Away-No Report
District Deputy Report:
1) District Deputy Tom Search thanked all who came forward for Plunge II
2) District Deputy Tom Search asked about Form 185. The Secretary Counts stated it has been done.
a) State Deputy will be undergoing Spirit of Unity Tour.
b) St Joseph Icon will be travelling around soon. Each Council will have a few days to display.
Report of 4th Degree:
1) . Exemplification of 4th degree will be at Assumption Parish on August 26.
Unfinished Business:
1) Grand Knight states that there will be a Knights of Columbus Jumbo Shrimp Night Baseball night on July 28th.
2) Grand Knight states several organizational forms are due, and they will be completed soon.
3) School Supplies Drive running from now until August 6.
4) Form 365 Service Personnel due.
5) Grand Knight asked Deacon Bernie Graleski to be Lecturer of the Council.
New Business
1) Joel D Kendrick submitted an email to the Grand Knight regarding Parishioner Mark Struhar. His wife is asking the Council for assistance in providing periodic wheel chair transport rides from his Rehabilitation Facility in Middleburg to Mass at St. Catherine’s. The cost of the Round Trip Ride is approximately $140. Grand Knight expressed interest in potentially helping, but asked Brother Kendrick to explore possible less expensive options. Brother Kendrick will report back next meeting.
2) Stephen Kidwell informed Grand Knight that he has transferred to Sacred Heart
3) Dennis Frushone looking forward to receiving his membership card.
4) Grand Knight asks Trustees to check on elderly members and obtain up to date email addresses. Several emails are bouncing.
5) Financial Secretary reports 1 bill Supreme per Capita $524.25. Typically a budgeted item, but since budget has not yet been established, Grand Knight asked for a motion to approve the expenditure. Motion made and approved.
Additional Information:
1) Grand Knight reports that Dan Costello notified him about the passing of former member Calvin Kaiser.
2) District Deputy and Grand Knight will coordinate on scheduling an Installation of Officers. Possibility of moving Social to July 29, and having Installation of Officers. Will be advised.
Good of the Order
1) Ramirez Family to be recognized as Family of the Month
2) Knight of the month to be recognized at Social.
3) Grand Knight asks for Dues to be paid as soon as possible. Also asked members to encourage those who can not pay their dues, due to hardship to come forward (no shame). Assistance will be provided.
4) Grand Knight encouraged all to email budget ideas to him or Financial Secretary Counts.
The Grand Knight recognized the intentions added to the prayer list.
The Grand Knight Closed with Prayer, and the Prayer for the Canonization of Father McGivney.
The meeting closed at 8:10 pm and was followed by a brief Lecturer’s presentation on Fr. Emil Kapaun, U.S. Army Chaplain who posthumously won the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service to his fellow soldiers while in a N. Korean prison camp.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joel Kendrick