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Business Meeting Minutes - October 2023

Knights of Columbus Council 7399

Business (General) Meeting

October 12, 2023

Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Joel D Kendrick

Call to Order-Grand Knight Louis Manz called the Meeting to Order at 7:00pm

Opening Prayer-Led by Chaplain Father Mitera

Pledge of Allegiance-Grand Knight Louis Manz led the Pledge of Allegiance

Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting-September 2023 Minutes unanimously approved by Council. No modifications.

Chaplain’s Message- Chaplain Father Mitera thanked the Council for its participation in the Living Rosary on Saturday October 7.

Grand Knight’s Report-Grand Knight Louis Manz reported:

1) Monthly Social will be held Oct 26 at 6:30. There will be a presentation by the Holly Ball Committee. The dinner will be Fried Chicken.

2) Sunday Oct 29 is a Corporate Communion Mass at 10AM. This will be the first Mass of the reinstitution of the Chalice Transfer.

3) Knights of Columbus Necrology Mass to honor deceased members will be Thursday November 2 at 9am. Prior to the Mass there will be a Rosary at 8:30. Names of deceased members will be read during each decade of the Rosary.

4) Mass concluding 40 Days of Life will be on November 5.

5) There will be a Veterans Day Mass on Saturday November 11; followed by a Patriotic Rosary in the Marian Garden.

6) There will be a Patriotic Rosary on Monday November 20 at 6:30 in the Marian Garden in anticipation of Thanksgiving.

7) On December 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary at 6:00, Mass will begin approximately 6:20 with food to follow.

8) Annual Bazaar - November 4 & 5. Get involved. Sign up to help at the Chuck Wagon Food Concession.

Rosary for World Peace with Justice & Peace Ministry – Saturday October 14

Bingo – Friday, October 20

Council Monthly Social Meeting – Thursday, October 26

Officers’ Reports

Treasurer-Treasurer Gambrell reported:

1) Account Balances as of Sept 30, 2023:

a) Council Account #1803-$1,938.66

b) Money Market Account #4963-$3,099.41

c) Charity Account #0010-$16,292.56

d) BINGO Account #3255-$9,313.36

Financial Secretary-Financial Secretary Counts reported:

1) 207 Members in the Council; of which, 2 are Honorary, 31 are Honorary Life, 5 are exempt.

2) 3 members waiting to join:

a) Frankie Fegurgur-accepted unanimously by Council

b) James Harris-approved at last meeting

c) Robert Kozak-approved at last meeting

Program Reports

Faith - Open position

Family – Ryan Ramirez absent

Community – Dan Costello reported

1) The Council will not be participating in the Soccer Challenge; however, we will be participating in a Free Throw Contest in January.

2) Tootsie Roll Drive will take place January 20 and 21 at Publix and after Masses at church.

3) Mass and Luncheon for Persons with Disabilities on February 11.

4) Still planning on hosting a Challenge Enterprises Dance sometime in April.

Life – David Coughlin reported:

1) Rosary Congress going on this week. St Catherine will Participate 10am Friday until 9am Saturday Morning.

2) Gala For Life-good showing. Perhaps Council would be interested in sponsoring a table next year.

3) Ultrasound Monitor-Westside Location for Woman's Health Center interested.

4) Will coordinate with Father Mitera about Rosary or Stations of Cross outside of abortion centers in Jacksonville.

5) Holiday Drive to support St. Gerard house to be determined. Donations of items and cash requested.

Hispanic Roundtable-Jose Ramirez absent

Standing Committees’ Reports:

Bingo Committee – Cliff Plante reported a "banner night". $3296 in BINGO packet sales, $639 Food Sales. $356 raised in 50/50. Judy Taylor raffled a Jaguars Jacket $258, turned over to the Knights. Grand Knight Lou Manz will be contacting Judy to determine how she would like the funds from the jacket to be earmarked.

Degree Team – Pete Sikora was absent however, Grand Knight reported the first post-COVID Live Exemplification on Wednesday October 18 at 6:30. Candidates should be there at 6:00.

Breakfast Committee-Trustee Jay Heather reported next breakfast will be on December 10. He will not be there as he will be participating in the Baby Camino Walk that day, encouraged other Knights to join him.

Special Committees’ Reports:

Saturday Harvest Food Run-Grand Knight reported the last several have not been productive. Will ask the committee to determine if there is a more productive way to feed the poor.

Old Business:

Assistance for Mark Struhar – Joel D Kendrick reported that he received a private donation of $700 to transfer Mark Struhar to church once a month. This will give the Knights time to work out a plan for possible future funding.

Checkup on elderly members - Trustees will be following up.

New Business

Communication-Grand Knight received correspondence from Juan Guzman (sp) seeking assistance for clothing.

New Bills-Financial Secretary Dave Counts confirmed there are no new bills.

Coats for Kids-Grand Knight stated we have $300 budgeted for Coats for Kids. Asked for motion to allocate to Mary Queen of Heaven's current Coats for Kids Initiative. Brother David Coughlin expressed a concern that the coats get misplaced almost immediately as the day warms up. Grand Knight stated the Initiative will be purchasing lighter coats. The motion to allocate to Mary Queen of Heaven's Initiative was unanimously approved.

Feeding St. Catherine Youth Ministry-Trustee Jay Heather called for a Standing Motion to donate leftover food from Council Socials to the Youth Ministry. Motion passed unanimously.

Hispanic Roundtable-Grand Knight asked Brother Edgardo Silva to Co-Chair the Hispanic Roundtable. Brother Silva accepted. Grand Knight and Brother Silva will meet offline to try to get a list of names and set objectives for the Roundtable.

Charities Committee-Grand Knight would like to formalize a committee to determine worthy charities to donate charitable funding beyond what has been budgeted. Grand Knight would like the committee to be comprised of the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Trustees, and any other interested member. Brother Coughlin volunteered to also be on the committee.

Juan Guzman Plea for Assistance-Deputy Grand Knight Roger Davies asked for a motion for the Council to provide $200 to Juan Guzman for Assistance for the purchase of clothing. During discussion, Trustee Jay Heather expressed concern about precedence. Also, discussion on whether or not such motion would violate By-Laws of the Council regarding assistance. Brother Coughlin recommended the Council get a specific assessment of what Brother Guzman needs. Faithful Navigator Tom Scherch stated he has been tending to Brother Guzman's needs for quite some time. Faithful Navigator will first visit him to confirm what Brother Guzman's needs are and report back. Grand Knight tabled the motion pending information from Faithful Navigator's upcoming visit to Brother Guzman.

Field Agent Report – Field Agent Dan Costello reported:

1) Fraternal Benefit Nights will be held at the January and April Social

2) Annuities have a 3% return minimum (4.5% current) with $300 minimum deposit.

Membership Drives- Grand Knight reported that membership drives will occur on the weekends prior to Fraternal Benefit Social Nights in January and April. Father Mitera will permit Knights to speak at all Masses.

Further to Brother Guzman's Plea for Assistance (from New Business)-Faithful Navigator found the By-Law regarding assistance. The By-Laws currently limit assistance to $25.

Report of the Fourth Degree-Faithful Navigator reports he will be directing efforts to produce quality product with regards to the Holly Ball. Asked for assistance from Council. Ticket Sales will be after Masses in the Narthex until December. Also Holly Ball looking for donations of alcoholic beverages for charity bar.

Jacksonville Veteran’s Day Parade – Grand Knight reported that the Veterans Day parade Committee is asking for marchers including Color guard. Wednesday, November, 1 at 11:00 am

District Deputy Report – District Deputy Tom Scherch

1) Thanked Council for its $300 donation to Coats for Kids.

2) Reported that Guardian Catholic asking for assistance in offloading a food truck on November 4 at 9:00.

3) St. Joseph Icon will be traveling to St Catherine's on November 7-13.

Grand Knight Summary-Grand Knight urged everyone to get involved in the Bazaar. Also to spend more time in prayer.

Good of the Order-Grand Knight reported:

1) Knight of the Month for September is Tony Claro

2) Family of the Month of September is the Cascante Family.

3) Nominee for Month of October is Keith Messenger

4)Nominee for Family of the Month of October Tess and Jose Rosario.

Guards presented Prayer List to Grand Knight

Trustee Jay Heather Reported Deacon Larry Hart is home and and on long road of recovering from two surgeries. Please keep in Prayers

Closing Prayer-Led by Chaplain Father Mitera.

Adjournment-Business Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 pm. 50/50 Raffle drawn.


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