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Field Agent's Corner for September 2023

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s the one month each year that the life insurance industry coordinates a campaign aimed at educating folks about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need.

Christopher Kauffman, the historian, spent several years at the Supreme Office and at the Museum, researching the book that he wrote on the 100th anniversary of our founding. That book, Faith and Fraternalism, notes on page 35, “…he [Fr. McGivney again] spent his energy in promoting the insurance feature…his emphasis on business was his pastoral concern for the social and financial security of the family.”

Fr. McGivney lived both the social and the financial insecurity of a desperate family, with the breadwinner suddenly taken, that had to be supported. He left the seminary to work and support his mother and siblings. As a pastor, he didn’t want other Catholic families to find themselves in such a predicament. That, and uniting men of faith, was the impetus for establishing our Order. Everyone who joined in those first years was insured; that was part and parcel of being in the organization. Now every member has a choice.

I’d like every member to know what we do, and how we do it. Here’s the process I use when I meet with families:

1. Discover – Identify their current insurance situation and financial goals

2. Gather Data – Collect facts & figures based on their current situation

3. Analyze – Conduct an Insurance Needs Analysis (Input data, run calculations, identify shortfalls)

4. Recommend – Propose appropriate KofC products to help them meet their needs and goals

5. Implement – Work with them to implement the product solution they select (take the application, etc.)

6. Periodic Review – Review regularly (at least annually) for changes in their needs and goals and make appropriate recommendations based on those changes

This is a painless process. But it can help any family, at any age, determine if they have blind spots in their coverage. It can help you avoid the pain of being underinsured. With a variety of life insurance products we offer, we can help find solutions that fit within almost any budget.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to buy life insurance…I want to buy what life insurance can provide: protection from the risk of a significant change in lifestyle for the survivors, including not being able to stay in the house where they want to be of not being able to give your daughter the wedding she’s been promised, or a child the college education he or she has been promised and much more. What does life insurance provide? Peace of mind.

That’s where I can help.

Vivat Jesus!


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