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Meet Our Latest Sir Knights

On August 23 and 24, three members of Council 7399 became Sir Knights at Fourth Degree Exemplifications held in the area.  On Friday, August 23, Rev. Fr. Mason Wiggins and two other priests became Sir Knights at an exemplification held at St. Monica in Palatka.  The next day, Frankie Fegurgur and Council Treasurer, Michael Gambone became Sir Knights at an exemplification held at San Juan del Rio in Switzerland, a community just south of Jacksonville.

Sir Knights of the Assembly 3154 Color Corps were there to support our candidates.  Commander, Lou Manz and Sir Knights Johnny Thielen and David Miller were hon hand for the inspection of the Color Corps and the Exemplification.

  The exemplification is currently not open to friends and family, but is expected to become open next year.  This beautiful ceremony emphasizes the importance of Catholics and the Catholic Church in the exploration and naming of the Americas.  New Sir Knights, and old ones alike cannot help but leave this ceremony feeling good about the United States and our Catholic heritage in this country.

This exemplification was a special one.  Bishop Eric Pohlmeier, a Fourth Degree Knight was one of the Sir Knights imparting Knighthood to the day’s candidates.  It was also the last exemplification to be led by State Master, Sir Knight John O’Toole.  He will be succeeded by Sir Knight Robert S. Urrutia.


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